Monday, October 19, 2009


SKILL: Ability to use knowledge of expertise to succeed efficiently and effectively in achieving a particular objective.

REACTION TIME: Ability to respond quickly to stimuli

COORDINATION: Ability to use the senses and body parts in order to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately.

SPEED: Ability to perform a movement quickly

POWER: Ability to transfer energy swiftly into force

AGILITY: Ability to rapidly and accurately change the direction of the entire body in space

BALANCE: Ability to maintain equilibrium while standing or moving.

HEALTH: A complete state of Physical, Mental & Social well-bring and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity.

MUSCULAR STRENGTH: Ability to exert an external force or to lift a heavy weight.

BODY COMPOSITION: Relative percentage of muscle, fat, bone & other tissues of which the body is composed.

CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE: Ability of the heart, blood vessels & respiratory system to supply fuel & oxygen to the muscles

MUSCULAR ENDURANCE: Ability of the muscles to repeatedly exert themselves

FLEXIBILITY: Having a wide range of motion in a joint.

VO2 MAX: The maximum amount of oxygen we can transport and use in one minute [ml/kh/min]




MOTIVATION: The drive to do well.

AROUSAL: State of readiness of the performer.

ANXIETY: The physiological state of Fear, Apprehension & Worry.

FITNESS: Ability to meet the demands of the environment.

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The system that controls circulation of blood and transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body.

ARTERIES: Vessels which carry blood away from the heart.

VEINS: Vessels which carry blood back to the heart.

CAPILLARIES: Network of small vessels through which blood passes.

HEART RATE: Number of pulses our heart beats per minute [75bpm]

STROKE VOLUME: Volume of blood ejected from the heart in one minute [ml/beat]

CARDIAC OUTPUT: Volume of blood ejected from left ventricle in one minute [l/min]

BLOOD PRESSURE: Pressure needed to pump blood around the human body.

MAXIMUM HEART RATE: Maximum number of heart beats per minute [220 - age ]

RESPIRATION: Transporting oxygen to the cells of the body while removing waste products such as CO2.

OXYGEN DEBT: The supply of oxygen is greater than the demand.

MUSCULAR STRENGTH: Ability to exert an external force or lift a heavy weight.

PHYSIQUE: The size and weight of the body with regard of its composition such as muscle and fat.

SOMATO TYPES: Classifying the human body according to certain basic shape and built.

FAT-FREE WEIGHT: Weight of the body excluding fat but including organs.

DOPING: Illegal use of a drug to enhance sporting performance.

DRUGS: Usually used to treat illnesses but misused by athletes in order to artificially boost performance.

EXERCISE: Physical activity that improves health and fitness

SPORT: Organised contests involving physical activity between individuals / teams.

LEISURE: Free time in which you can choose what to do and when and where to do it.

RECREATION: Enjoyable activity that refreshes you and gives you more energy.

STRESS: Tension in the body and mind.

OPEN SPORT: Allows both amatuers and professionals to compete against one another.

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