Monday, November 2, 2009

Stalin Dictatorship

Racial policies like Stalin's were bound to cause concern. Criticism within the party grew because of the human cost of Stalin's policies.
In 1934, Stalin's ally Kirov was murdered. Stalin saw this as evidence of a conspiracy and began a series of political purges. Historians are fairly sure that Stalin planned Kirov's murder to give him an excuse to purge the USSR of opponents, whom Stalin saw as traitors to himself and the USSR.

Cult of Personality.
Stalin expected not just respect and obedience, but also love and worship. He made sure everyone knew about his successes. Huge rallies were held in his honour. Many photographs were publichsed showing him meeting the children and workers. Soviet artists produced paintings showing Stalin opening factories. The Soviet people were told that he could do no wrong. He was described as superman, a genius at everything. Stalin rewrote the history of Russia and the USSR in a way indicatede he was much more important than he really had been before he came to power.

*Stalin used propaganda excessively to flood the Soviets mind with the idea of his great leadership so that he appeared imposing enough to command the unquestioned following of the Soviet Union.

The use of purges was a reason why Stalin had dictatorial powers in the Soviet Union because it made the Soviet people fearful of opposing him.
Stalin used the Soviet secret police, NKVP, to launch a Great Purge to eliminate his opponents and dissenters or anyone who threaened Stalin's leadership by expelling them from the party, banishing them to Gulag labour camps or execution after show trials. In 1937, over 25000 army officers were purged.
The effects however were mixed. Stalin was certainly secure. The NKVD ruled the population with terror. Over 8 million had been killed or sent to labour camps.
Stalin's used of Purges was a reason for Stalin's dictorial powers because he intimidated his opponents with so much fear that it effectively eliminated all forms of opposition against him.

Reasons for five year plan

Economic - catching up with the West.

Staling wanted a USSR that was powerful. To do this he had to modernize the USSR's economy by a programme of RAPID INDUSTRIALIZATION. This means developing industry to such an extent that a country which mainly depends on agriculture of farming is changed into one which mostly depends on industry. Besides, he felt that USSR was at least 50 years behind the advanced countries. He aimed to catch up with and surpassed them within ten years.
Agriculturally, he wanted to modernize farming so that it would be more efficient in producing enough food to support an expanding urban workforce. In addition, he hoped that surpluses in the agricultural sector could be sold overseas and the money used for investment in industry for instance, to buy industrial machinery for the factories.
* Through the five year plan, it was hoped that rapid industrialization could help USSR recover from the effects of the civil war and regain confidence of the workers and peasants whom the regime badly needed.

Military reason- to strengthen USSR defence in face of a hostile world.

Stalin felt it was necessary to catch up with the west because Russia was thereatened by the west and surrounding countries such as Iran, Romania, Finland which hated communism. To survive an attack from the West, the USSR had to rapidly expand its heavy industries, coal iron steel power. This would allow the USSR to expand and strengthen its military. In addition, being excluded from the League of Nations, also made it difficult for USSR as it was the only communist country in the world.
*To ensure its survival a a communist country amidst all the hostilities, it was only sensible for Stalin to build up an industry that was self-sufficient and the output could also be channeled to beed up its army so that Russia could defend themselves from any threats.

To increase support for the government, establish his dictatorship and get rid of rich peasants.
Rapid industrialization would also allow Stalin to obtain support for the government because the masses were the Communists' greatest supporters. Secondly, it would eliminate any remaining opposition to the Communists; in particular get rid of rich paesants, the kulaks.
*This would ensure the formation of a classless society as industrialization would transform USSR into a communist country.

Stalin Succeeds

Stalin had taken on many important jobs like being the Secretary-General of the Party. This gave him an important power base. He had many supporters in the ranks of the party who owned their positions to him. With huge support in the party, Stalin was able to eliminate his opponents with the blessing of the party and hence, was able to win the leadership contest.

Stalin took advantage of the Lenin Enrolment to increase his support within the party. He also appeared as the chief mourner at the Lenin's funeral while tricking Trotsky into missing it.

Trotsky made himself unpopular. His ideas for spreading world revolution alarmed moderate communists. He was also arrogant and offended many party members. Trotsky also had a small support base: students, youths, Red army. This was because he was complacent and he saw no need to increase his support as hi believed he would succeed Lenin. Trotsky being the most likely successor of the Communist Party failed to help himself and provided an opportunity for Stalin to be viewed as a possible succcessor and eventually allowed him to win the contest.

The other four candidates disagreed with each other on important issues such as industrialization and the NEP. The all underestimated Stalin. At first Stalin sided with the others against Trotsky. He continued to play off Bukharin, Zinoviev and Kamenev against each other by allying with on and then another while he strengthened his own position. Once they helped him eliminate Trotsky, Stalin found new allies to remove them as well.
by 1929, Stalin defeated his opponents and was dictator of the USSR.